Winter is definitely a lot slower than the summer. In the summer, we probably work at about 120% and the winter at about 80%. It’s a time to recuperate, plan, and learn.
In December, we were blessed with a nice blanket of snow. We are thankful for the moisture that will translate into the spring. Our winter wheat was nicely developed, and, now, it is in a state of dormancy until the temperatures warm up in the spring.
Some of our wheat gets delivered to grain companies, and we have been busy loading trucks for shipping. The ups and downs of the weather can make that challenging—like starting trucks and tractors at -20F—yet eventually it all gets done.
In the winter, Kari and I also spend a fair bit of time in the office, bookkeeping and planning for the upcoming year.
Additionally, I spend some time learning, whether its reading books or interacting with other regenerative growers on forums. Next week, I will be attending the “No till on the Plains” conference in Wichita, KS. It is always good to learn about what other farmers or researchers have found. It helps us implement the best farming practices so our soils become even healthier and our crops can be more nutrient- dense. But, ultimately, these farming practices help the grains we grow acquire that wonderful taste that people have come to appreciate.
Of course, we have been busy shipping packages of regeneratively- grown grains and flours to all of you wonderful customers. It’s always a pleasure and an honour to know that the hard work we put into growing crops can translate into delicious foods that contribute to people’s health.
Spring is right around the corner, and we hope to be ready to start another growing season with the right amount of sunshine and rain.
From our family to yours,
The Groenewegs